
Jessica Narelle
Grade Eleven
Dion Bruce Neal
Until forever.
I will let my life play out,
but I will work towards
my goals.

The simplicity of life isn't worth the guarantee

Monday, April 26, 2010

My life wouldn't be manageable without you by my side
I hold you close, for the fear of losing something my body craves.

As you softly whisper in my ear,
Your low voice a gentle rhythm of vibrations,
My nerves send pleasant burning sensations,
Which course through my body.
My reaction to your voice seizes to amaze me,
Every touch leaves a lingering softness on my skin.

I wake up to the scent of you on my bed linen,
My nostrils inhale frantically,
As it knows that it will not smell this succulent scent forever.

With every embrace,
My body seeks comfort in the shaping of yours,
It places itself against you,
Molding perfectly alongside you.

My fingers trace your face,
Like a vision impaired person,
Seeking recognition upon a face.
My fingers glide over familiar lines,

Your nose, Your eyes, Your dimples, Your forehead, The apples of your cheeks, The soft line of your lips.

My eyes stare unblinkingly into yours,
Watching the colours to monitor the change in your moods.
Deep blue ring, strong blue, yellow iris, with a deep black reflecting pupil.
Your eyes are one of my favourite views,
They tell a story,
They explain why you're so kind, gentle, forgiving, cheeky, loyal, trustworthy.

You make me giggle my silly girly laugh,
As I giggle,
I watch your glorious smile light up your face,
Portraying dominant dimples,
Laugh lines,
Among perfect teeth.

I am madly in love with you and I hope that never changes. You're my favourite desire...