
Jessica Narelle
Grade Eleven
Dion Bruce Neal
Until forever.
I will let my life play out,
but I will work towards
my goals.

The simplicity of life isn't worth the guarantee

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I am going back on my diet.
 I want to be stick thin. I can't fight these desires.
 I want what I want. Sorry Dion that you don't like skinny girls.
 I cannot handle looking at myself with this little bit of meat on me.
 I know that I have lost a lot of weight, and I am thin now. But I want to be thinner.
 I don't care that you can see my ribs now, or that I don't have much boobs. I am being greedy.
 I want a killer body. I want to be small and fragile. Just stand by me. I am going to crumble. I hate myself...


  1. don't go too far! but seriously? i agree. ha. apart from the last sentence.

    go aussie girls :)

    xx rena.


    btw. best blog description bit in your header. love it so much.

  2. Thank you, and don't worry, I wont go too far. My boyfriend doesn't approve of skinny chicks. I am already in trouble for being how small I already am. Jessy(:
