
Jessica Narelle
Grade Eleven
Dion Bruce Neal
Until forever.
I will let my life play out,
but I will work towards
my goals.

The simplicity of life isn't worth the guarantee

Friday, May 7, 2010


Well... Yesterday had its ups and downs. 
I had a fight with my boyfriend, 
It was our first fight ever...
It was very upsetting, but everything is okay now.
I just never want to fight again...

Today I realized that my Dad has gone back to his old self.
We were starting to get along, 
And now that I am moving out,
He has gone back to being a prick...

My Mum and I were sorting things out today,
And he got all cranky..
But hey, atleast he finally decided I was allowed to
Yes, shocking, huh?
Considering I am nearly seventeen,
and I should have had them for like 9 months now..
But I am still happy.

School really isn't great at the moment...
I can't help but thinking that in June I leave everyone behind.
I find I can't enjoy myself much,
and a lot of people keep saying they're going to miss me.
I will miss then also.
Especially my Mum....

I do not know how I am going to do this,
My Mum is highly special to me, 
and I'm cut that her Mother's Day present is late.
But we all need to grow up some time.

Now I am just rambling on.
Sorry this was a boring post.


  1. Hey babe, thanks for following my blog :) I actual turn sixteen today and my dad is pushing me to get my learners so that I don't have to make him drive me everywhere ahaha,

    loving your blogs, it's so real. x

  2. hey jessy, i heard you moving in with Dion.
    your brave, i mean that in an entirely good way.
    i hope it all works out lovely.
    i am also probably leaving school in june.
    its scary, but im not really copping there.

    promise me we'll hang before you leave.

  3. Sarah, I am glad someone is backing me. I am very scared though lol. Darl, I know what school is like for you, so I can understand, I miss you. I would like to see you. Whats your number these days?
    Vivian(: You're welcome, and Happy Birthday for May 7th :D Get them, you may regret it otherwise lol. Thank you :)
