
Jessica Narelle
Grade Eleven
Dion Bruce Neal
Until forever.
I will let my life play out,
but I will work towards
my goals.

The simplicity of life isn't worth the guarantee

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Peculiar, yet realistic.

Today I seen something that really made me stop and think.
I contemplated a lot of reasons why it fascinated me so much.

It was a very dull day, the atmosphere was dreary.
Nobody wore hopeful expressions.
The sky was overcast, a murky grey from the cloud cover.
The earth was dimly lit from the early hour.
The road was wet from both dew and overnight rain.
Days like these always seem depressing, and cold.

I was travelling into school on the bus, 
harmlessly listening to heavy metal on my ipod.
I was absentmindedly staring out of the bus window.
We were driving past an office building when I noticed something.
It wasn't something I had typically seen in real life.

A middle aged men,
Dressed in a blouse and dress pants,
Work attire,
Was walking up the stairs to the office buildings;
Of which I suppose he works.
But what struck me as unusual was the way he carried himself.
He had his head down, 
Looking towards the ground.
He had his shoulders hunched,
And he was dragging his feet along the pavement.
The way he walked,
Carrying his briefcase,
He looked so vulnerable and depressed.

That's when I realized that life never gets better.
Going to work never gets more enjoyable.
Everything we do,
We do because we need to.

I want my life to be different, worthwhile.

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