
Jessica Narelle
Grade Eleven
Dion Bruce Neal
Until forever.
I will let my life play out,
but I will work towards
my goals.

The simplicity of life isn't worth the guarantee

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Went out last night,
went to a party...

I felt very out of place,
all the girls were beautiful,
and were wearing pretty things.

There were a lot of couples there too,
I guess that that is expected at parties,
but it made me miss my boyfriend a lot.

In a way, I want to hurry up and move,
because I do not seem to fit in with my group of friends.
They're all so very different to me...

I constantly feel like an outcast at school,
and at the moment, at my brothers house too.
I am not sure if its just because of my mind frame at the moment,
or my constant bad mood.

Either way,
I just want to go home to my Mum.
Do my homework,
read my books,
talk on the phone with my Boyfriend,
sleep in my water bed,
and shower in my shower.
Oh, and go for my runs
and workouts.

I am sick and tired of feeling so secluded.

It'd be nice to get some sleep too,
this insomnia really isn't ideal.

Hopefully I stop complaining soon.

Until then, I'm out.

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